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GATE Program

The Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program supports unique opportunities for high-achieving and underachieving pupils who are identified as gifted and talented. By state definition, gifted students are pupils who possess a capacity for excellence far beyond that of their chronological peers. This capacity includes many and varied characteristics that require modifications of curriculum and instruction. These modifications form the basis of gifted and talented educational services.

The Rio School District serves the gifted students within the district through honors classes in the middle school program for the high-achieving students. Differentiated instruction and flexible groupings for gifted and high-ability students are provided at the elementary level.

Additionally, the Rio School District GATE program offers after school enrichment activities at each school. GATE exploratories are facilitated by a GATE liaison who is a credentialed teacher. Students eligible for GATE may choose from a menu of options, and each session runs about eight weeks. The end of the year GATE Showcase allows parents and students to participate in the various exploratories conducted by students throughout the year.

The GATE program is open to eligible students in 3rd through 8th grades. Referral forms are available online and at each school. Parents, teachers, and students may make referrals to GATE, which starts the eligibility process.

Tri-County GATE Council

Parents, please attend the free Tri-County GATE Council workshops for parents and the community. See updated events on their website.

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiation strategies raise the expectations for all students and provide an avenue for individualizing instruction by providing greater depth, complexity, novelty and/or acceleration to the classroom lessons.

Differentiation of instruction is achieved by modifying one, some, or all of the following elements:

  • Processes or skills
  • Content or subject matter
  • Product
  • Quantity and pacing
  • Flexible grouping

Honors Placement

Rio middle schools offer honors classes in core content areas. Placement in honors classes is not solely based upon GATE identification. Sites assign placement in honors classes based upon a combination of factors, including previous course achievement, teacher recommendation, standardized test scores (state and local assessments) and student interest.

Gate Events

  • Gifted students are persons of exceptional promise whose capabilities may predict contributions of lasting merit in widely varying fields. They come from all backgrounds with special abilities and talents ranging across a wide spectrum of human achievement. These students’ abilities and potential for accomplishment are so outstanding that they require special provisions to meet their educational needs.

  • The district tests all 3rd graders using an online, timed test. Students who score in the 95th percentile and above become eligible for the GATE program. Students who score between the 88th and 94th percentile may become eligible with a review of additional documentation. Students in grades 4-8 may also be  tested if a parent, a teacher, or the student refer them by completing the GATE Referral Form.

  • Your attitude is essential to the development of a gifted child. Reseachers Hall and Skinner tell parents to enjoy their gifted children and to remember that they are, first of all, children. Motivate your gifted child by encouraging trial and error, being enthusiastic and optimistic, recognizing achievement, encouraging goals set by the child, encouraging novel ideas, giving honest evaluation, encouraging independence, and giving constructive criticism.

  • Students in grades 3-8 that demonstrate exceptional abilities will be referred through the GATE process

    Teachers will differentiate instruction for GATE identified students

    GATE students will have multiple opportunities to engage and work with each other

    Students can attend after school site-based enrichment activities (GATE Exploratories).Students can attend district-wide enrichment activities

    Teacher Training

    Parent Education