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Child Find

The Rio School District is required to locate, identify and evaluate all children (from birth through 8th grade) suspected of having a disability who may be in need of special education services.  We must attempt to locate these children, whether in private, home, public school, including those who are not in school, who are not receiving special education services.

Referrals to the district about a child who may be eligible may be made by any person.  If you know of or suspect that a child has a disability and is not receiving educational services, please contact our Pupil Personnel Services office.  All information about a child and/or family is kept strictly confidential and all privacy rights are protected.  We are also required to inform, involve and receive parent permission prior to taking any action.

If you would like more information or to refer a child for consideration, please call Pupil Personnel Services office at 805-485-1442.