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Public Facilities Use

There are various organizations that express interest in our facilities.  You can find out more about facilities that are available and the costs associated with those facilities.  There are 4 pricing groups that utilize our facilities.

FREE USE – Free use applies to officially recognized Rio School District student, parent, school advisory committees, organized employee groups, and community groups serving youth may use the facilities during hours that an authorized District employee is on campus.

DIRECT COST – Direct cost fee applies to groups that are not authorized “free use” and whose purposes are not in conflict with the educational programs or goals of the District. Organizations, clubs or associations organized for cultural, general character building or welfare purposes shall pay direct cost charges. Groups such as senior citizens organizations, civic organizations, community councils, civic associations and neighborhood awareness groups for discussion of community governance issues, community development and redevelopment, governmental services issues and community recreational issues.

FAIR VALUE – Fair rental value fee applies to groups that use school facilities or grounds for entertainment, meetings, or classes for which admission is charged or contributions are solicited and the net receipts are not expended for charitable purposes or for the welfare of district students. Facilities requested by churches and other religious groups that conduct services.

COMMERCIAL – Commercial & for-profit groups (including professional fundraising events.)

Please contact the Facilities department at 805-983-1329 to find out more.