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Rio’s Wellness Team works to address student health and wellness through program development, implementation, and policy.

Rio School District’s wellness team is committed to providing quality schools in every neighborhood by promoting student achievement, establishing schools as learning centers, supporting effective teaching, engaging parents/community in learning, and facilitating effective communication. The implementation of the Wellness Policy promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition and health education, physical education, a safe and positive school climate, healthcare and social services, protecting the environment and more.

The federal government has initiated laws that set standards for improved school meals and requires school districts to follow specific criteria in order to create unique wellness policies.

Our Wellness Policy is the document that complies with the federal law. The Wellness Policy incorporates all components of the Coordinated School Health Model and federal mandates.

General Information on Rio School Wellness

Official School Board Policy

Wellness Policy

Policy Overview

English | Spanish

Healthy Food Guidelines

English | Spanish

Staff & Family Resources

Healthy Celebration Letter – English

Healthy Celebration Letter – Spanish

TK-2nd Grade Workbook

3rd-5th Grade Workbook

Celebration Alternatives: Healthy Birthdays, Healthy Winter Holidays, Healthy Valentine’s Day

Fundraising Toolkit

Healthy Snack Lists

External Links

Center for Disease Control

Alliance for a Healthy Generation

Let’s Move

Action for Healthy Kids

Healthy Habits for Families

Wellness News

Wellness Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

October 26, 2023

Past Meeting Notes & Policy Assessments

October 26, 2023 Meeting Notes

WellSAT District Scorecard 2023

April 11, 2018

February 28, 2018

January 31st, 2018

Wellness Policy Survey Results

Wellness Policy Assessment Survey Monkey Results

Wellness Policy Feedback Survey

For more information on our policies or interest in being a part of our Wellness Team, please contact Lacey Piper, Director of Child Nutrition & Wellness at lpiper@rioschools.org or (805)485-3111.

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