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Together with communities, FoodCorps connects kids to healthy food in school.

Healthy food is a building block for a full life. But right now, not all kids have access to healthy food or education about how to make healthy choices. Structural inequities based on race, place, and class have resulted in health disparities that have taken an unjust toll on children of color and children growing up in households struggling to make ends meet.

  • In the United States, one in three kids are on track to develop diet-related illness in their lifetime. For kids of color, it’s one in two.
  • Children who lack a quality diet are more likely to face a lifetime of challenges: they score lower on tests, miss more days of school, advance less in their careers, and raise children who are likely to repeat the same cycle.

We see schools as places where we can correct these injustices, providing healthy food access and education for all kids. FoodCorps helps schools become places where kids get the nourishment they need to thrive.

We place trained FoodCorps AmeriCorps service members in schools across the nation for a year of service. They focus on:

Ms. Olivia's Video Lessons

Hands on Lessons

Collaborating with educators to teach cooking, gardening, and tasting, since kids love foods they have grown and prepared themselves.

Healthy School Meals

Teaming up with cafeteria staff to create a cafeteria that steers students towards the healthiest options and gets them excited to try new healthy foods.

A Schoolwide Culture of Health

Getting the whole school community—from principals to the hallways to the bake sales—to celebrate healthy food.