Expanded learning programs operate at all nine school campuses in the Rio School District. The term “expanded learning” includes support and services provided after school, before school, or any time outside of regular school time.
Funding for the expanded learning programs comes from the California After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program and the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program. The Rio School District provides EXPLORE programs at every school site in collaboration with the school site and outside partners. Enrichment opportunities include social emotional learning, homework support, arts, music, sports, leadership opportunities, and recreation. Enrichment activities may vary by site.
The Rio School District employs one site coordinator to oversee programming at each school. Classroom ratios are 20 students to one adult staff, except for transitional kindergarten classes with a 10 to 1 ratio. Our EXPLORE partners, Boys and Girls Club of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme, Catalyst Kids, and Camarillo Family YMCA, provide classroom staffing. The EXPLORE program has an academic liaison who is a credentialed educator who works closely with expanded learning staff to support students’ academic needs. Rio School District After School Program Site Coordinators and other program staff meet the minimum qualifications of district instructional aides, and receive training and professional development in areas such as literacy, social emotional learning, and restorative justice.
Each program operates from school dismissal until 6pm and all students in the program are offered the opportunity to participate in a nine-hour day when combined with the regular instructional day. Students may attend the program on the days that they attend class in-person on their campuses only.
Enrollment is open throughout the year, depending on availability. The EXPLORE program is available to TK and kindergarten students. Per California Education Code (EC), sections 46120(g)(7) and 42238.02(b)(1) Expanded Learning Opportunity (ELO-P) programs are required to prioritize enrollment for pupils who are English language learners, eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Meals, or foster youth. Additionally, EC Section 46120(b)(1) (A-B) requires local educational agencies (LEAs) to operate an ELO program on every school day and for at least 30 nonschooldays. Effective January 1, 2024, Assembly Bill 373 (Gipson), chaptered into law on October 7, 2023, amended EC sections 48850 and 48853.5, relating to intersession programs, requiring LEAs operating elementary and middle school ELO programs to offer (advertise) and provide (enroll) priority access to homeless and foster youth on any nonschoolday that the program is in operation.
To apply, complete the online interest list. If accepted, you will receive a notification from the After School Program Site Coordinator, and you will also receive a registration packet to complete before your child can attend the program in person.
Nine-hour EXPLORE programs are available on Saturdays and summers. Information will be posted on the district website.
The YMCA Before & After school Program balances the needs of youth, families and local schools in a fully licensed, supportive and nurturing environment. This program is tuition based. Scholarships are available. Core components of the program include academic support, healthy eating and physical activity, character education, and more. Spaces are limited. Please call the Camarillo Family YMCA directly for information. Contact Paige Harris at (805) 484-0423.
Catalyst Kids provides before and after school programs located at Rio Real school. The program includes supervised activities, such as clubs, homework support, and fitness, that are geared toward developing positive relationships and giving children the tools to shine. The Catalyst school age program is operating during distance learning. For more information, please contact Karla Delgado at (805) 407-8939.
Rio del Norte Elementary School | Adrian Rodriguez | (805) 833-1476 | Email Me | Link |
Rio Rosales Elementary School | Alondra Burciaga | (805) 833-1478 | Email Me | Link |
Rio del Mar Elementary School | Ambreen Sajid | (805) 833-1479 | Email Me | Link |
Rio Lindo Elementary School | Kristopher Martinez | (805) 833-1467 | Email Me | Link |
Rio Plaza Elementary School | Nataly Zamudio | (805) 833-1473 | Email Me | Link |
Rio Real Elementary School | Leonor Pazos | (805) 833-1474 | Email Me | Link |
Rio Vista Middle School | Amy Prado | (805) 833-1480 | Email Me | Link |
Rio del Valle Middle School | Sheryl Preciado | (805) 833-1475 | Email Me | Link |
Rio Del Sol | Briana Pena | (805) 575-0029 | Email Me | Click Here |
BGCOP Director of School Based Programs | Laura Flores | (805)815-4959, ext. 213 | Email Me | Click Here |
Catalyst Kids | Karla Delgado | Email Me | Click Here |