Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an American man that left teachers and students an endless legacy of learning for as long as there are schools , lessons, and the country we call the United States of America. In memory of his legacy, I often sing a song I wrote…
District News, Superintendent Blog
Vision & Mission
Vision StatementAt Rio Vista Middle School,  we… Engage students’ critical thinking in a standards-based academic program that challenges students through inquiry and project based learning, technology, robotics, 3D design, English and Math honors programs, and GATE. Inspire creativity in an educational environment that includes programs where students explore music, drama,…
Student Work Highlight: Concert Review
Concert Review and Evaluation I believe that my performance exceeded expectations. Spots that I had trouble with was played well in my opinion, surprisingly. This was certainly one of my best, if not my best performance in front of a live audience. My grade was most likely a high silver…
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
The Lion Sleeps Tonight performed by the string orchestra and concert choir at the annual music festival. https://rioschools.org/riovista/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/06/lion_sleeps_tonigh.mp3
Choir, Music
Rio Vista Middle School | RioSchools.org
Dear Condor Parents and/or Guardians, As you know, Rio Vista Athletics depends on successful fundraisers to provide funds necessary to continue offering important pieces educational opportunities for the student body. We’ve researched several opportunities, and are excited to launch this year’s finest chocolates. We’re asking for your assistance and support…
Basketball, Cheer, Flag Football, School News, Volleyball
Sample Teacher Landing Page
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Beginning Band Preformance
The Rio Vista Middle School Beginning Band performed Barbara Ann. Listen below. Barbara Ann https://rioschools.org/riovista/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/03/barbara_ann.m4a  
Trout Cam
[av_codeblock wrapper_element=’iframe’ wrapper_element_attributes=”] src=”https://www.dropcam.com/p/trout1″ style=”border:0px #FFFFFF none;” name=”myiFrame” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”1″ marginheight=”0px” marginwidth=”0px” height=”360px” width=”640px” [/av_codeblock]
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