Music Department Documents

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Rio Vista Music Handbook

The Rio Vista Handbook sets out the rules and expectations for the upcoming year.

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Band Practice Journal

Use this form to keep track of your practice. Remember, good tone is the most important part of playing music!

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Playing/Quiz Test Assessment Rubric (Strings)

Here’s what we’re looking for when you take a test or a quiz.

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Playing/Quiz Test Assessment Rubric (Band)

Here’s what we’re looking for when you take a test or a quiz.

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Final Exam Band

Here’s what you’ll be graded on.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Final Exam Band”]

Final Exam Strings

Here’s what you’ll be graded on.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Final Exam Strings”]

Practice Record

Keep track of your practice!
Spend extra time working on a good tone. Practice lots of long tones. Play a long tone on each note of your scale.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Practice Record”]

List of Private Instructors (Band)

Listed are names (and instruments taught) of private music teachers who have successfully proven themselves with students. All come with the recommendation of Mr. Williamson.

(Will be posted soon)

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Practice Record”]

List of Private Instructors (Strings)

Listed are names (and instruments taught) of private music teachers who have successfully proven themselves with students. All come with the recommendation of Mr. Williamson.

(Will be posted soon)

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Practice Record”]

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