Counselor’s Corner

About Counselor's Corner

Rio Lindo is a full-service community school serving the students and families within the Rio School District.  Our counseling department offers academic, personal and social/emotional/behavioral support for students and their families.

Gain skills in being a peer leader, discuss age-appropriate social issues and develop an understanding of student leadership roles and responsibilities by joining a club:

  • Leadership Club
  • Math Club and Explore Robotics!
  • Hip Hop Dance * New
  • Chess Club

The school counselor is an advocate for our students and assists in organizing and participating in parent meetings and various student support meetings.

Counselor's Corner - Resources

Recursos acerca de Consejería

Veronica Barragan

Rio Lindo Counselor

Phone: (805) 485-3113

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Counselor's Corner News

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