3D Environments
Create a 3D paper environment. You can make a landscape, cityscape, seascape or any kind of environment you choose. Hope you enjoy this art Supply List: Paper Pencil Scissors Tape Markers (or crayons or colored pencils) Ruler (optional)
Art Lessons, Programs and Projects
Cactus Art
The cactus is an important plant to many cultures.  Do you know some of the uses of a cactus? Do you know the different parts of a cactus? What art can we make inspired by a cactus? Supply List: Paper Pencil Colored Pencils Crayons
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects
Notan the Art of Dark and Light
Notan is a Japanese term which literally means “light dark harmony”. Notan is a Japanese design concept that is interested in the use of light and dark colors/shapes, etc and looking at how these light/dark art elements interact with each other. Most of the “Notan” I have ever seen as an…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects
Alma Thomas Inspired Collage
Georgia born artist and educator Alma WoodseyThomas (1891-1978) was a pioneer for African American women in fine art. Thomas is best known for her nature inspired abstract color block paintings of from the 60-70s. We will create torn paper collages with an emphasis on different colors. Hope you enjoy this lesson. Supply List:…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects
Paper Cut Outs
Henri Matisse was a famous French artist with an interesting story of his life and art. Here is a video of his life Drawing with Scissors by Keesia Johnson and Jane O’Connor . In our lesson we will cut paper shapes in a variety of colors and sizes and arrange…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects
Elmer the Patchwork Elephant
Elmer the Patchwork Elephant an art activity inspired by the children’s book by David McKee. Elmer is an elephant with rainbow and white squares arranged as a patchwork. He has a cheerful and optimistic personality, and he loves practical jokes. We will draw Elmer together we want you to focus…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects
Making Maracas
This Art, Math and Music project provides a great opportunity for students to be imaginative with creating their own musical instrument. Students can measure and add different amounts of rice and or beans to create the sound that they would like from their maraca.  Then students will decorate the maraca…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects, Rio Music
Geometric Snowflake
This art project provides a great opportunity for students to review and be imaginative with geometric shapes. Students can also be acquainted with symmetry through this snowflake design.  The variety of snowflakes created by students is quite lovely! Supply List: Colored Paper (blues & purples) White and black paper Glue
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects, Rio Artists
Leaf Printing
This art lesson uses just three supplies to create a colorful piece of artwork.  By using leaves from outside your classroom, playground or home, students can create a leaf print artwork.  We collect different leaves and paint them to create a stamp that you can press onto your colored paper.…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects, Rio Artists
Yarn Painting
This art lesson uses just a few supplies to create a master piece.  By using yarn, students can create an ‘yarn painting’ art piece.  We use a leaf that you can find in your playground or yard but you can use any shape you wish. Use you imagination and use…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects, Rio Artists
Haunted House
This spooky art lesson uses just a few supplies to set a scene.  By using oil pastels and watercolors, students can create an ‘oil pastel resist’ art piece.  Watch as the oil pastel ‘resists’ the watercolor when painted over it! Supply List: Yellow oil pastel or crayon Black oil pastels…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects
Explosion Books
A fun way to share your artwork is with this collapsible book! The folding of the book can be a little tricky, so watch closely! Once the book is made – think of all the possibilities to fill up your book with artwork or text. Supply List: Three papers cut…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos, Programs and Projects
Watercolor Galaxies
Everyone loves to gaze at the stars, what about creating your own dreamy imaginative starry night using watercolors! We’re going to show you how to make these galaxy pictures in watercolor! They’re simple to make and look spectacular. In the video below you’ll learn the process for painting a multi-colored vibrant starry…
Art Lessons, Featured Videos
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