Amazing Rio Technology Team

Amazing Rio Technology Team
The Rio School District employs nearly 500 people in one role or another. All working together to provide the best possible learning environments and opportunities to our more than 5000 students in grades TK-8. One amazing team of four people, Kathryn, Tony, Oscar, and Brian make up our technology team.…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog, Superintendent Blog, Technology news
Why we switched from Zimbra to Gmail
Our district’s transition to Google Apps for Education is now complete.  The pain of transitioning from Zimbra to Gmail has been more accute for some than others, but I firmly believe that in short order the potential in the Google for Education environment for our staff and students will diminish the…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
Expectations – Jamie Casap
If you don’t read Jamie Casap’s blog, you’re missing alot.  Jamie is one of the most insightful and progressive thinkers about education around.  He works for Google as an Education Evangelist.  Read below his blog post about Low Expectation Syndrome, and vow never to perpetuate it or allow yourself to be…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
Integrating Tech into the Classroom
It takes more than hooking up a bunch of computers…  here’s the experience of a 4th grade teacher from Chicago.  (From Ed Week –   Redefining Instruction With Technology: Five Essential Steps By Jennie Magiera In the fall of 2010, I was awarded a grant that brought 32 iPads to…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
Netbooks Still the Way to Go
Tablets are all the rage these days – iPads, Samsung Galaxies, Acer Iconias, even Kindle Fire and Barnes and Noble’s Nook are getting press as an educational tech tool.  But a good quality netbook is still the best tool for the job – especially when cost is factored into the…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
Making Progress
Exciting times – in spite of the state legislature’s best efforts to stymie progress, we’re moving forward with our technology initiatives.  We’ve distributed new laptops to everyone, and getting through the growing pains of adapting to PCs from Macs.  We have also just gotten our application accepted by Google to…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
Teacher Laptops
Our quest to get new laptops for teachers is done, but not without some 12th-hour drama.  Trying to complete a major purchase (215 mobile devices) when there isn’t any money and the future budgets are so uncertain requires the committment of everyone – including the Board, district leadership, and tech…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
Why Netbooks For Students?
Sam Gillickson posted a blog on June 30, 2011 talking about 21st Century learning and technology tools.  While he focused on iPads, I’ve taken his blog and substituted netbooks.  The message is the same (but netbooks are $300 cheaper!).  Read his original blog at You Want Netbooks for Your School,…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
Building A Better Mousetrap
What would happen if we started a conversation about educating 21st Century kids in 21st Centruy ways by wiping the slate clean and redesigning what we do and how we do it?  What would happen if we tossed the textbooks, and handed every student a small, mobile portal to the…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
Tools for Learners
30 of the best tools for auditory, kinesthetic, and visual learners – as presented by  Much of this software is free!
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
Mobile Devices
In the very old days (prior to 1975 or so), no one had a second thought of assuming that every student and teacher would go into class with a pencil and a notebook.  It was the technology that applied to every class and it was ubiquitous – so much so…
Dr. V’s Tech Blog
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