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Learning at Home During Social Isolation

Your child’s education is important to all of us at Rio School District, especially during this time of school closures due to the coronavirus.

To help encourage students to continue their intellectual growth during the time away from campus, we’ve gathered some creative learning activities and digital resources that we think students will enjoy.

Just click this Parent’s Box to be taken to a wealth of resources. We wish you and your family the very best during this challenging time.

VCOE Coronavirus Community Resources

[pdf-embedder url=”https://rioschools.org/river/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/VCOE-Coronavirus-Community-Resources-Bilingual-4-5-20.pdf” title=”VCOE Coronavirus Community Resources – Bilingual 4-5-20″]

The District is not responsible for any associated costs for any resources.  Parents should be in communication with their child’s teacher regarding optional work that can be provided during school closures. However, any associated costs with any resources on the district’s website would be up to the parent(s) to fund.

[ultimate_info_banner banner_title=”Need a Free Wireless Hotspot?” banner_desc=”Click to fill out a Rio School District application for take-home internet.” button_text=”Learn More” button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fdocument%2Fd%2F1UTbuhNPdQGKlDNAB7nTpuZGk8VNhF1be7zOPFb4fv6w%2Fedit%3Fusp%3Dsharing|target:_blank” button_color=”#2ca3b8″ button_text_color=”#ffffff” ib3_background=”rgba(42,145,163,0.75)”]

Parent Connection Portal

ParentConnection is the district’s web-based access to our student information system.  With this web-based portal, parents can check their students’ attendance, health and discipline records, standardized testing results, classroom assignments (for teachers who elect to use the system), cafeteria information, and more.  Middle School parents can view students’ report cards (this feature is not yet available for elementary schools’ Standards-Based Report Cards).This system is only available to students’ parents or legal guardians.  A PIN and password is required to access the system.  Parents can obtain their PIN and password by contacting any school at which one of their children attend (the same PIN and password will access information for all students parents have in the district)Click this link to access ParentConnect:https://sis.rioschools.org/river/More information on this system can be found here (in English) or here (in Spanish).

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