
The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics are divided into K-5, middle school, and high school. In K-5, the standards provide students with a solid basis of math skills, and progress into applications as they advance through the grade levels. The middle school standards focus on the math skills students…
Technical Subjects
Technical subjects are integrated into the K-5 Reading standards. As stated on the Common Core Initiative website, “the CCR anchor standards and high school standards in literacy work in tandem to define college and career readiness expectations—the former providing broad standards, the latter providing additional specificity.” Standards Review the previously…
Resources for Students
Are you curious about what the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) mean to you as a student? Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the CCSS facts: CCSS Myths vs. Facts CCSS Frequently Asked Questions
Resources for Administrators & Teachers
As a district administrator, you have the important task of not only ensuring that your teachers are informed of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), but that they are implementing the updated standards in their classrooms. Most likely, your teachers will have many questions about the CCSS, so to help…
Resources for Parents
Log in to ParentConnect – your portal to information about your students! Thank you for taking the time to inform yourself on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and what they mean to your student. The goal of the CCSS is not to replace the curriculum that your student is…
English Language Arts
The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies and Science are the result of an extensive effort to ensure that students are literate and capable of the academics and careers in their future. The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts are divided…
There are no specific Common Core Standards for  science; rather, the literacy standards, common across all subjects, are applied to science content. The existing California Science content standards remain in place, allowing educators to focus on the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills of their students in addition to the…
In the States
Map adapted from States highlighted in green have adopted the Common Core State Standards. States highlighted in blue only adopted the Common Core State Standards for English language arts. States in grey have not adopted the Common Core State Standards. For information on California Common Core State Standards, please click HERE  
Common Core Standards
English Language Arts
The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies and Science are the result of an extensive effort to ensure that students are literate and capable of the academics and careers in their future. The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts are divided…
Common Core Standards
Education and the American Dream links 3.31.13
Education and the American Dream links Hunted on google  3.31.13 Montana legislator writes about the need for quality. amplify ceo’s thoughts on education and the American dream with wall street journal video by professor U.w bothell the Dean of Harvard’s business school shares his perspective…
American Equation
The American Myth of Social Mobility
The American Myth of Social Mobility is an article that draws on recent data to point out that while Americans believe our country provides the greatest opportunity to go from rags to riches.. the facts do not bear this out now. Many other wealthy countries have more social mobility than…
American Equation
A Family Affair
A Family Affair: Intergenerational Social Mobility across OECD Countries is an excellent chapter of research exploring issues related to the American Dream and how it compares to other countries in terms of people’s ability to do better economically than their parents.
American Equation
Meeting Agendas & Minutes
District Board MeetingsRio School District Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room at 1800 Solar Dr, Oxnard, CA 93036. Below are the proposed meeting dates.  Please note that two meetings are necessary in June due to budgets and there…
2013-2014 Registration
Registration packets for the 2013-2014 school year are now available. You may print out the packet and return the completed forms to your child’s school.
District News
Chasing the same dream,climbing different ladders: economic mobility in the United States and Canada.This study examines the American Dream and the Canadian Dream and finds some amazing commonalities in both opinions, beliefs, and economics. It also finds some thought provoking differences.
American Equation
This site will look at research and economic and social data to explore the economic facts and human perceptions and opinions on issues related to the American Equation, the American Dream, and the role American Public Schools play in in both shaping and being shaped by public policy and public…
American Equation
This site will explore different opinions about the American Dream and its current condition.
American Equation
This new site will explore the American Equation; American Education + Hard work = The American Dream.
American Equation
Spring Break
The Rio School District is going on a Spring Break for two weeks, the last week of March and the first week of April. We hope that each student, each family, and each employee is able to take the time to rest, renew, recharge, relax, and then return to school…
Superintendent Blog
Loss of a Great Local Educator; Deloris Carn
Recently, I received some very sad news, that a mentor, colleague, and friend, Deloris Carn had passed away. I am so sad I did not get a chance to talk and have lunch with her in the few months since she had moved from Oxnard to the East Coast. Ms.…
Superintendent Blog
RSD Board Meeting
Closed Session 5:00pm Open Session 6:00pm To view the agenda, please click the link below   [prettyfilelist type=”pdf,xls,doc,zip,ppt,img,mp3″ filestoshow=”2911,” thispostonly=”true” hidefilter=”true” hidesort=”true” hidesearch=”true” filesPerPage=”3″]
District News
Special Education
Rio School District has a continuum of special education options available to students identified as individuals with special needs. Specialized Academic Instruction, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Adaptive P.E., Orientation and Mobility, and Deaf/Hard of Hearing are among services available to students, when such services are deemed necessary. The Rio…
Pupil Personnel Services Staff
Rebecca RochaDirector of Student Services(805) 485-3111 Oversees: 504s Mental Health and Wellness Programs MTSS Student Discipline Attendance/ School Attendance Review Board School Health Programs School Counseling Programs Homeless and Foster Youth Programs Erika JohnsonDirector of Pupil Personnel Services Department(805) 485-1442 Oversees: Special Education 504 Response to Intervention Suspensions/Expulsions Attendance/School Attendance…
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